FlyByWire announces A380 for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

FlyByWire announces A380 for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

We are proud to announce we will be developing a freeware A380 for MSFS, built from scratch, FlyByWire announced yesterday. FlyByWire is known for their open-source A320neo enhancement mod named A32NX, which is well-known under simulation enthusiasts to improve their experience while flying the Airbus plane. Their A380 is currently in early stages of modeling, so it will probably be some time before we can take a closer look at this project.

FlyByWire has also assured that the development of the A380 will not affect the development process of the A32NX project. Unfortunately, they held back with further details or even insights. More information is expected during the new episode of “In The Hangar“. Meanwhile, the project is looking for experienced modelers or people who have already worked with an A380 before to support the development. To do this, enter their FlyByWire Discord server and contact the team.

A380 is expected to be freeware – and probably open-source too, what makes it even more awesome. We’ll let you know once FlyByWire has more to share.