FlyByWire Showcases Complete A380X Flight in New Video

FlyByWire has released a video demonstrating a complete flight of their highly anticipated A380X for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The video, approximately 45 minutes long, covers the entire process from startup to shutdown. The A380X, which has been eagerly awaited by the flight simulation community, reached third place in Navigraph's 2023 survey of most anticipated aircraft. Although the release date remains unconfirmed, this video provides a comprehensive look at the progress and capabilities of the A380X. Watch the video here.

In addition to the A380X update,FlyByWire has today updated their popular Freeware Aircraft A32NX with the new FMSv2. This update includes features such as missed approach capability, alternate flight plans, improved FMS routing, and enhanced constraint logic. The update is available in the Development version via the FBW-Installer.