Freeware Friday - Highlights of Community Releases #9

Welcome to "Freeware Friday - Highlights of Community Releases" - your weekly spotlight on the most outstanding and innovative additions to the flight simulation community. Every Friday, we dive into the world of freeware, showcasing the most wanted and anticipated releases and updates of the week, or those add-ons, that have been highly in demand. Without further ado, let's dive right into our ninth edition!

KALW - Walla Walla Regional Airport

KALW - Walla Walla Regional Airport by BullfrogSim features a detailed representation of the Walla Walla, WA, USA airport. It includes custom models of the airline terminal, control tower, fire station, and most hangars, alongside custom ground textures and night lighting. The addon requires KTVL from World Update 10 (USA) for proper ground texture display and optionally incorporates static aircraft and extra scenery objects with the UK2000 object library. For more details, you can visit the addon's page on here.

ENMS - Mosjøen airport

ENMS - Mosjøen Airport created by Sauron for Microsoft Flight Simulator provides an accurate representation of Mosjøen Airport, located in Vefsn Municipality, Nordland county, Norway. The addon includes custom buildings, an elevation mesh, and aerial imagery for the airport and surrounding area. It also features accurate runway, taxiway, and lighting details based on current information. For more insights, visit the addon's page on here.

NZHK - Hokitika Airport, New Zealand (2023)

NZHK - Hokitika Airport, New Zealand by CoolGunS for Microsoft Flight Simulator introduces a detailed rendition of Hokitika Airport. This release offers improvements over previous versions, including enhanced FPS optimization, GSX compatibility, and more realistic ground textures. It's based on aerial and Google Earth imagery from 2023, aiming to provide an authentic experience of the airport and its surroundings. For further information, you can explore the addon on via this link.

EFKU - Kuopio Airport

EFKU - Kuopio Airport created by hergi1234 provides a detailed representation of Kuopio Airport. Kuopio Airport serves the city of Kuopio in Finland, providing connections primarily to Helsinki. The scenery works with and without the "morko DEM mod" for Finland airport elevation improvements and is tested with the 1st and 2nd Nordic World Updates. For more details, you can view the addon on via this link.

Thick Scroll - UI Mod

Thick Scroll is a UI mod for Microsoft Flight Simulator that enhances the visibility and usability of scroll bars within the simulator, making them thicker and easier to use, especially in complex menus. It aims to improve accessibility for users with motor impairments or those who find thin scroll bars challenging to interact with. The mod created by Parallel42 is designed to integrate seamlessly with the simulator's interface. For more details, you can check the product page on here.

ZLYS - Yushu Batang Airport

HALUA6683-ZLYS-Yushu Batang Airport offers a detailed rendition of the Yushu Batang Airport located in Qinghai Province, China. It features 3D models of the T1 and T2 terminals with interiors, custom airport lighting, and signage, alongside an adaptation for adverse weather conditions. The airport's design is based on real data, and it includes a simple entry and exit procedure to accommodate flights. For more information, you can visit the addon's page on here.

Creators of the Week

Don't forget to visit the profiles of this week's creators! Show your support by liking their work, following them, and consider making a donation if their creations enhanced your experience.