PMDG shares Cockpit previews of their upcoming B737 NG3

A long time after the last update, PMDG has once again released news about their upcoming Boeing 737NG3 for Microsoft Flight Simulator. This time the team surprises in the official forum post with first impressions from the cockpit of the plane, comparing it with the P3D version.

All of us at PMDG have been looking at our upcoming 737 release for so long that it rarely crosses our mind just how fantastically the product is coming together. We are so focused on where we know the product will be upon completion, that we rarely take the time to step back and say "hey- lets show this to our customers so they can see how cool this is going to be when finished!"

It is worth noting that these images have not been edited in any way. As Robert S. Randazzo points out, it was captured with Windows Snipping Tool by simply selecting that area of his desktop while he was working. No editing, no posing, no post production. This is not what the finished product will look like, because it is still in development. PMDG is still addressing animation issues, lighting issues, and large swaths of the cockpit are still being re-textured to bring their light reflective/refractive and texture qualities up to the fully capability of MSFS. There are some panel gaps that have to be addressed, and lots of other ticky-tack details that get addressed as they keep moving the product down the production line - but this is the current state of it as of this moment.

The pictures already look promising and show the current, quite good progress of the team. Unfortunately, there is still no information about a possible release date. Robert S. Randazzo announced, however, that this will be made up for with another update.