Schleicher K7 Glider Updated to 1.3.2

GlideSimmer67 has just launched the update 1.3.2 for their faithful rendition of the Schleicher K7 Rhönadler, a vintage two-seater glider that has a special place in the history of aviation. Originally flown in 1960, the Schleicher K7 is a training glider constructed with a welded steel tube fuselage covered in doped aircraft fabric, while the wing is a wooden structure, again with a doped fabric covering. The glider had commendable performance for its time, boasting a glide ratio of approximately 26:1. This vintage gem eventually evolved into the K13 model, which is still in use in soaring clubs today.

GlideSimmer67’s first modelling project, the ASK-7, mirrors the intricate design and functionality of the original K7. B21 contributed to the flight model and programming, helping to ensure that the simulated experience is as true-to-life as possible. Update 1.3.2 brings several improvements. The non-linear Vertical Speed Indicator has been replaced with a NETTO vario reading. The update also introduces a vario audio beep to the computer vario. Adjustments have been made to the low-speed polar and spoilers/airbrakes effectiveness has been increased. The update also integrates 'Imperial' (knots/feet) instruments and liveries into a single package with the metric system and adds a couple of new liveries.

You can download the newest update of this glider for free here on